Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I contact the research team if I have questions?

You can contact us using the following information:


2. Do I have to come see anyone in person?

No. Both the screening and the main survey will be completed online. Eligible participants who complete the main survey will receive a $25 Amazon gift card via text message.

3. Are there any risks associated with participating in the study?

This study is low-risk. It’s possible answering survey questions could make you feel upset, but this is rare and usually goes away quickly.

4. Are there any benefits to me participating?

There are no known direct benefits to you participating in this study. The information we collect may help researchers and counselors understand how to better help those who need it. 

5. How long does the study last?


The study will last between 5 and 25 minutes depending on your eligibility. 

Anyone who is interested will take the first survey. The first survey will help us determine your eligibility. It will only take 5 minutes.


If you are eligible according to the result of the first survey, you will then be asked to complete our main survey. This survey will take approximately 20 minutes and you will receive a $25 Amazon gift card for completing it. 

6. If I sign up for the study, can I change my mind?


Yes, you can leave the study at any time by just closing the survey. You won’t be penalized in any way. You can still participate in other studies in the future.

7. Will you tell anyone about my being in the study?


No, we will never tell anyone that you are in the study. The only time we would ever share information is if you tell us you want to hurt yourself or hurt someone else, or if you tell us of child or elder abuse. We would need to tell the proper authorities to get some help.

8. How much money do I earn for being in this study?


If eligible, you can earn a $25 Amazon gift card for completing the main survey.


9. What should I do there’s a problem when I’m taking an online survey?


Survey pages save as you go along. If you have a connection problem while taking an online survey, most or all of the questions you already answered will be saved. You can close the survey and come back to it later when you have a better connection. If you continue to have problems accessing the survey, let a member of the research team know by texting, calling, or emailing us.


10. Who should I talk to if I have other questions?


You can contact a member of the research team by text, phone, or email.
